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Friday 17 June 2016

Hijab: Osun CAN of trouble

The recent outburst by Osun State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN has again fuel another round of confusion in the state as students turned out in their church garments to their schools in obedience to the religious body order. 
CANs order, in reaction to the the court judgment that permits the wearing of hijab by Muslim girls to school showed that it was not ready to tolerate the wearing og hijab in public schools in spite of the judgement of a competent court.

Even before the judgment of the High Court delivered by Justice Saka Oyejide Falola, CAN has not hidden its paroxysm of hatred and rage for hijab. To them, hijab is another type of abomination, an anathema that is detrimental to other religion. If not, I do not see how wearing of head cover, a religious identity by Muslim girls will affect the spread of gospel of Christ. What can be more than this if not intolerance, hatred and attempt to decimate the practice of Islam. Although a few of the students complied and wore different apparels in the form of Boys Brigade, Choirs dresses, Girls Guard, Urshers dresses and flowing white gowns, by this singular act, I wonder what seed would have been sown into the minds of these impressionable kids. What kind of society are we building? Fanaticism and extremism It is worrisome that a competent court of law ruled on an issue, then the executive body of a religious group issued out threats against the judgment, thereby breeding anarchy in the state. How else do we describe fanaticism and extremism? Yet, when anarchy is let loose, they will turn around to blame it on the Muslims calling them all sorts of names. Aparrently realising a better way to reject a court judgement; it states that: “the association finds itself unable to agree with the judgment in its entirety as we have reasons to believe that it represents a study in premeditated adjudication that runs against the printed grain of legal submissions made before him. We have unanimously decided to appeal the judgment.” The body would have taken a step further to wait for the decision of the appealate court on the matter instead on arrogating to itself the power of the judiciary. Since religions do not teach the same things, we cannot have the same ways of life. Dressing in Islam is part of the religion, not only when a Muslim is going to Mosque, it is a dress code, a mandatory for all female Muslims.
on arrogating to itself the power of the judiciary. Since religions do not teach the same things, we cannot have the same ways of life. Dressing in Islam is part of the religion, not only when a Muslim is going to Mosque, it is a dress code, a mandatory for all female Muslims. Therefor, it is wrong to conflate hijab with the act of terrorism or find any alibi to stop its usage by female Muslims. CAN has always situated the hijab with terrorism even when there are clear evidences that genuie Muslims are peaceful and tolerants. Well meaning Muslims, associations and bodies have said ad nauseam that act of terrorism is not about Islam, and those who perpetrate the act cannot be said to be Muslims or speak for Muslims. So, rationalising the protest against the use of hijab as a ground for breeding terrorism, is to say the least enervating, ridiculous and unacceptable.  But because those who want to hang the dog will never relent in ascribing bad names to it, they find pleasure in condemning and protesting against the use of hijab. Even after a High Court judgment allowing the Muslim the free will to practise their religion, they are yet fanning the embers of anarchy in the state. Where is the tolerance they exclusively seem to profess?  The Hijab is a commandment. It signifies religousity, devotion, and obedience to Allah. Do we disobey God and obey CAN? God forbid! Nothing, absolutely nothing can stop Muslims not to obey their Creator. If this is another antic by those who profess to be tolerants against the peace loving Muslims, then their plots agaisnt Islam will end the way Abraha and his armies ended when they tried to destroy the Kaaba for nothing but envy. The Muslims never played up the wearig of hijab, in developed countries where Christianity was taken, inspite of the few number of Muslims especially in UK and America, the use of hijab is allowed in government owned schools.  The right to practice the religion of your choice is respected. Secondly, Apart from the freedom to practice one’s religion as enshrined in Section 38 (i) & (ii) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, hijab is divinely commanded and failure to abide attracts Allah’s wrath. For us, there are copious Quran injuctions and hadiths that made hijab mandatory for Muslims. “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. Private aspects And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.” (Quran 24:31). “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 33:59). However, Muslims in the state are enjoined to remain calm, peaceful and law abiding and shun all acts of provocation.  Remember that your religion is yours and their religion is theirs as said in the holy Quran. The only way to prove the mettle of your religion is to eschew all forms of violence even when they provoke you.  This is what the unbelievers are wont to doing and then turn around to blame you for your reaction.  Let us in the spirit of Ramadan show kindness and good manners to even those who offend us.  That is the basis of ihsan and that it Islam. Ramadan Kereem!

Source: Vanguard 

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